BloodHound CE Viewer

BloodHound CE Enhancement Extension - A Chrome extension that enhances BloodHound Community Edition with additional features including query history navigation, improved layout controls, and Neo4j button.

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Query History Navigation

  • Back/Forward Navigation: Navigate through your previous Cypher queries using Back and Forward buttons
  • Automatic Query Saving: Queries are automatically saved when executed
  • Duplicate Prevention: Prevents duplicate queries from being saved
  • Query Persistence: History is preserved across sessions using local storage


1. Download or clone this repository

2. Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions/

3. Enable "Developer mode" in the top right

4. Click "Load unpacked" and select the extension directory


After installation, the extension automatically activates when you visit BloodHound CE:

  • Use the Back/Forward buttons above the query editor to navigate through your query history
  • Click the Neo4j icon in the header to open the Neo4j browser
  • Use the simplified layout controls for Standard and Sequential graph layouts

BloodHound Viewer
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